The Sustainable Liberia 15 Year Ministry Timeline and 2021 Fall/Winter Newsletter are available to download.

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Dear Friends,

This year marks Sustainable Liberia’s 15th Anniversary (2006–2021) of doing God’s work in Liberia, West Africa. In the last five years, our team has engaged with and transformed communities in the name of Christ. We have done so by serving and developing communities in the five branches of our core mission: Evangelism and Discipleship, Christian Education and Job Training, Economic Empowerment, Infrastructure Restoration, and Leadership Development. The love of Christ being our primary motivation, we develop communities by creating access to resources and the Gospel.

We do it all for the sake of the Gospel…” 1 Corinthians 9:23

The past five years of ministry in Gbansue and Gou have been eventful and rewarding both for Sustainable Liberia and the communities we served. As we reflect, it seems the years have flown by like a flock of geese heading south for winter. Even through the busyness of it all, God is at work in Gbansue and Gou villages. We have seen this work through the villagers’ tears, resilience, determination, hard work, laughter, and their thirst for the living Word of God. The milestones in each program area below are testimonies to the goodness of God, amidst the COVID-19 outbreak and other global challenges:

Evangelism & Discipleship

Evangelism and Discipleship

  • Our team reconciled four rural congregations (Methodist, Lutheran, Deeper Life and Aladura) which were estranged and divided along theological differences.

  • We facilitate weekly Bible study and join in worship services for believers in Gbansue village.

  • We teach the Bible as part of Gbansue School’s curriculum.

  • We encourage daily devotionals for staff and participants in all programs.

Job Training

Christian Education and Job Training

  • We kept Balama and Gbansue schools open with more than 600 students enrolled while adhering to national health protocols.

  • We finished the construction of a new elementary school in Gou village that opened November 1, 2021.

  • We opened Coal Pot Queens Vocational Training School, which teaches computer literacy, driver’s education, and cooking and baking skills to more than 400 unemployed men and women.

Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment

  • We established Brendi Cocoa Company to process cocoa beans for more than 200 farmers, to help them get their produce to market.

  • Small and Medium Enterprises (restaurant, wholesale and retail rice business) provide income and jobs for families and communities.

Infrastructure Restoration

Infrastructure Restoration

  • We supply tools and seeds through Seeds of Hope to kickstart familial and community gardens.

  • More than 60 community gardens have been cultivated to provide food and income for families and communities.

  • We utilize tractors and power tools to cultivate larger gardens and grow more food.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

  • We provide college scholarships for four emerging leaders who currently serve with Sustainable Liberia and their respective communities.

  • We conduct Life Younique training for Sustainable Liberia staff to enhance their leadership abilities.

  • We host mission teams for teacher training and computer literacy workshops.

  • We train leaders on how to educate and create COVID-19 awareness so as to protect their communities.

We are so grateful to our partner churches and individuals for their unwavering prayers and support to our work in Liberia. Your faithfulness and generosity through the past 15 years have enabled Sustainable Liberia to empower and develop communities in the name of Christ.

Please keep Sustainable Liberia in your thoughts and prayers as we anticipate the next years of ministry.

In His Service,

Jessy Togba-Doya
Founder/Executive Director