What We Do

Established in 2006, Sustainable Liberia, Inc. is a faith-based, nonprofit organization committed to serving rural communities of Liberia, West Africa. Our mission is to enable transformational development by investing in the dreams of the poor, so that they might be released from physical and spiritual poverty. The love of Jesus Christ being our primary motivation, we create opportunities for Evangelism, Education, Economic Empowerment, Infrastructure Restoration, and Leadership Development.

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Education & Job Training

360 degrees of kids at Recess Gbansue SchoolDSC_0197.JPG

Liberia’s education system continues to struggle after the civil war that ended in 2004. The country currently suffers a massive shortage of trained teachers; especially teachers who are willing to relocate and teach in rural communities. Amidst these challenges, some teachers are committed to the teaching profession and volunteer their time to teach even without pay, many with very little education or resources of their own. Sustainable Liberia supports the recruitment and training of much-needed teachers by mobilizing financial, human, and other resources to support primary schools in rural Liberia. Teacher workshops are conducted by local and visiting professionals that rapidly improve the skills of new and seasoned teachers. Because unemployment is still a major issue, vocational and technical education is strongly needed to empower young Liberians who have limited formal education.The Vocational Training Program is designed to help Liberia’s hard-to-employ population who desire to enter the workforce or become entrepreneurs. The basic career tracks currently offered include: Agriculture, Food Services, Computer Training, and Drivers Education. Students enrolled in the programs are paired with mentors in their field of study for support, mentoring, and upon graduation an internship program to help them acquire real-world experience.

Leadership Development


Leadership Development occurs organically within the ministry of Sustainable Liberia. The development of leaders begins with relationships built in the village, and also through job training programs. As the seeds of hope are planted and nurtured, they begin to flourish in the hearts of Liberians who begin to dream about ways they can make a difference in their community. Thus, leaders are identified across all areas of ministry.

We discover people who have the desire and capacity to further their education and return to their community to serve. Whether it is agriculture, business, nursing, or teaching, we scholarship these students and look forward to their impact when they return to the village.

The informal part of leadership development is working with the existing village leaders, as well as those we meet who have a desire to lead, mentor, and serve within the community. By nurturing relationships with these leaders, we are able to recognize their needs and those within their sphere of influence. In turn, this allows us to connect them with other leaders who are local or visiting. Often, we find these relationships develop rapidly and leaders grow into mentors who share their valuable expertise and experience.

Evangelism & Discipleship

Bible Drills, Church in GbansueChurch in GbansueDSC_0088.JPG

At Sustainable Liberia, we try to approach needs in terms of opportunities, rather than problems. We also try to begin each project, initiative, or trip with the question of “Why?” Why are we doing this? Why is this effort important? Why are we choosing this opportunity over another? Ephesians 4:11-14 says:

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (NIV)

Why do we do what we do? Out of the blessings God has given us, we are equipping His people for the works of service and building the body of Christ in West Africa. We believe that unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God are worthy visions for our efforts.

Everything else we do is subordinate to this heart for discipleship. As we rebuild broken schools, we bear witness to God’s generosity. As we empower through economic opportunities, we testify to the dignity and self-worth of God’s people. As we invest in leadership, we equip disciple-makers who help others attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Infrastructure Restoration


Infrastructure Restoration develops as an outflow of other areas of ministry to help support and sustain the community. Many infrastructure projects have emerged as a need over the years due to relationships built and maintained in the villages. We always partner with local leadership, villagers, and contractors.

Ministry to hearts often first requires physical needs be met in order for the doors to hearts to be open and ready for spiritual nourishment. Over the years, communities we minister to have been supported and sustained by infrastructure projects, such as constructing the demonstration gardens, school buildings and equipment, renovation of the Ministry Center, the purchase of ministry vehicles and farming equipment, rebuilding the Coal Pot Queens (CPQ) Restaurant and Training Compound, constructing the Cocoa Processing Facility, drilling a clean water well for the CPQ Restaurant, and more.

Economic Empowerment

Economic empowerment is key to developing community sustainability. Our goal is to see rural Liberian villages flourish in freedom, as together we build a sustainable infrastructure. While the economic impact provides jobs for employees, income for families, and industry for the community, a Christ-focused ministry is provided to everyone.

An example of Economic Empowerment in action is the Brendi Cocoa Company and its far-reaching impact. In 2017, a co-operative agreement was developed with the village farmers of Gbansue and the surrounding area. Brendi purchases their cocoa at fair market value and provides the initial tools, training, and resources to produce a quality harvest. A processing facility was built, where the cocoa is now dried and stored for sale and distribution. Profits from cocoa sales are invested back into the company and redistributed into community infrastructure and education.

The entire process, from planting to distribution to accounting and sales, is run and managed by and for Liberians. In fact, you may recognize Monica, Jutomu, and Christopher, all of whom received educational scholarships from Sustainable Liberia. You believed in them and invested in their education. Now, each one has come full circle and is investing their lives back into their community.